The Guilds of the Syndicate
The organizations our characters call home
The Guilds of the Syndicate
The guilds of the Syndicate are loosely connected entities stuck with a tenuous alliance that frequently dips in and out of conflict. Each guild has its own goals and ideals that members are expected to follow. Guilds of the Syndicate are separated into three main categories: core guilds, member guilds, and initiate guilds.
The Core Guilds
The Core Guilds of the Syndicate are ancient guilds that have been in the Syndicate since it was formed more than a thousand years ago. These Core Guilds own the bulk of the influence and resources that are spread throughout the planes. All of the core guilds are headed by an Immortal Elevated Being with a mortal Guildmaster administrating the guild underneath them. The Elevated Beings that run the core guilds are called Whisperers. The Whisperers’ true names and histories are unknown and they go by monikers to hide their true identities.
The Core Guilds are also thought of as the “Story Guilds.” These Guilds are run by the Syndicate official story team rather than by players. When something happens with these guilds, it is usually directed by the official story team. Players can join these guilds, and they can move up in the ranks such that they can influence the plot of these guilds, but they cannot become the guild master of one of these guilds without an official story team sanction.
The Hallowed Vanguard
Forged Through Flame
The Hallowed Vanguard is a chapter of Knights and Soldiers dedicated to The Giver, a valkyrie-like war goddess of flame and battle. They have a strict code of honor they uphold, and they have the largest and best-trained standing military of all the Syndicate Guilds. They are the peacekeeping force of the planes, and tend to let their swords do their talking. In the past, The Vanguard would often be called on to both battle evil and stay behind to help establish and uphold peace and order in cities and other areas once the battle had ended, helping them rebuild. Their legacy is one of military prowess and upstanding deeds done in the name of protection.
The Giver: Glorious and bathed in flame and light, The Giver is a warrior to the core. She upholds the tenets of the Hallowed Vanguard with utmost precision, and serves as a venerator of justice. The Giver wields a battle axe and wings, and is just as apt upon the battlefield as she is with a tankard in hand.
The Neverdawn Network
Secrecy | Possession | Diplomacy | Power
The Neverdawn Network is a conclave of spies, assassins, criminals, and political entities dedicated to manipulating the planes from the shadows. They follow the mysterious Dweller in Shadow. Their goals are as inscrutable as the Elevated Being that leads them, but their network is everywhere and their spies see everything. Any information that cannot be outrightly obtained, the Neverdawn Network prides itself on obtaining. When head-on tactics fail, the Neverdawn infiltrates and does what is necessary to topple governments and gain power from subversive means.
The Dweller in Shadow: Whisperer of the Neverdawn Network. Notorious for being able to overhear conversations and slip into the minds of those surrounding him, this entity is a powerful creature of darkness. Rumors abound that this particular Whisperer feeds upon the souls of those who cross him, and finds fear a most delicate flavor.
The Scarlet Feast
Bound in Blood
The Scarlet Feast is a coven of witches, warlocks, berzerkers, and beastmasters dedicated to growing their bloody empire. Led by Audeoch, this guild constantly pushes the boundaries of what the other guilds will accept. Vicious and power hungry, this guild once served as the shock troopers, the immoral arm behind quelling dissidents. The Feast has recently returned to the isle, with new purview at standing at the helm of all the other guilds, in a place of leadership and power.
Audeoch: A terrifying entity, born of the Mists of the Waste in Lanae’tu. While little is known of this new Whisperer, it remains a horrifying sight to behold. Realities seem to warp in this monster’s very presence, and so violent an entity seems well-suited to helm The Feast.
The Order of the Morning
Resilience | Knowledge | Peace | Foresight | Balance
The Order of the Morning is a school of wizards, doctors, scholars, diplomats, and scientists dedicated to gathering and sharing knowledge of all kinds. They study and learn from all sources, both good and evil. Led by The Valor, they seek to learn about and control the threats to the planes, and administrate balance within the worlds. This is a new iteration of a previously-founded guild, under new guidance.
The Valor: A former ally of the Order of the Morning’s previous Whisperer, The Valor is a battle-seasoned veteran from a lost plane. While older in appearance, this man’s power proves undeniably strong. Reasoning and logic are a strong point, though pursuit of balance remains at the helm of his reformed guild’s core.
The Member Guilds
Member guilds in the Syndicate are player-run guilds that have kept up their membership numbers and proven that they are a valuable member of the Syndicate Guilds. Some of these guilds may have an Elevated Being that stands as a patron to support and guide the guild, but ultimately the Guildmaster calls the shots.
Original image owned by The Syndicate Guilds, inc.
The Steadfast
World | Earth | Community | Self
Dedicated to preserving good and offering aid in times of crisis, The Steadfast stands as an ambassador to those in need. They prioritize health of self, safety of community, respect of nature, and preservation of the worlds. They established a children’s home on the Veridian Isle to help orphans in need, and are led by the Whisperer, Kahadin.
Kahadin: Patron of the Steadfast. Kahadin is the child of Ofurian Goddess Thalivera, and helps to lead his guild as they pursue their mission of healing and diplomacy. As this Whisperer is relatively new, little is known of him.
The Tribe
Survive | Grow | Adapt
Formerly under the banner of The Scarlet Feast, a group of adventurers split off and formed their own guild. This member guild focuses on tenets of survival, and bands together to help each other thrive in the unusual world of The Syndicate.Their magics are earth and water.
Original image owned by The Syndicate Guilds, inc.
The Unchained
In Defense of Freedom
The Unchained are another former splinter of a former guild, changed over time to become protectors of many. Their creed is to accept, to honor, to defend, and place a high value upon personal freedoms and accepting all, regardless of past.
The Oathbreakers
Live by the Crew | Die by the crew
These tenacious group of sailors flout divine beings and carve their own path. Freedoms are a personal priority, and this rag-tag group of adventurers answer the call of adventure. This group flouts authority, and vehemently challenges any and all divines that may cross their paths.