In case you didn’t realize by the time you’re reading this sentence, the new website is live! Thanks to the generous efforts of Witticaster (Phix’s sister), a professional web developer, we were able to get this website done very quickly. It’s been a long road to this point, and we have a big adventure ahead of us!
Many of our members who have been here for a long time might remember our old website. Please take a look around and tell us what you think of the new look! For those of you who are newer to the Syndicate, please let us know what you think too!
For now, the website manager is Erik Manley. The best way to contact him is on the Discord server. Please let him know if you find any errors or problems, or if you have suggestions.
The Syndicate Guilds, Inc. is run by a six-person management team, as well as dozens of volunteers among moderators, storytellers, initiators, creators, and many other roles. The Syndicate is funded through patreon, merchandise sales, and donations from the management team.
The website is the first milestone in a long line of plans in our roadmap. One of our long-term goals is to have a thousand active players, and we’re hard at work to build the systems that can support that many players!
In closing, we of the management team want to say THANK YOU to all of our amazing volunteers, and THANK YOU to all of our dedicated members. We couldn’t do any of this without your support!